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15 best puzzle games for Android in 2023

Puzzle games have come a long way from their humble beginnings and evolved into captivating experiences that challenge our creativity as well as cognitive skills. Android users are in for a treat with a plethora of high-quality puzzle games with the vast world of mobile gaming at their fingertips that combine stunning graphics, entertaining gameplay, and captivating storylines. In this post, we will explore the 15 best puzzle games for Android and provide ensurity that you will never have a dull moment on your smartphone.

Table of Contents

1. Baba Is You: Rewriting Reality for Brain-Bending Puzzles

Price: $6.99

Baba Is You

Baba Is You stands out for its unique gameplay mechanics and allows its players to change the very rules of the game and solve puzzles. You will edit the rules of the game to attain your goals using programming blocks and results in unexpected and delightful interactions. Baba Is You is a standout puzzler that challenges your creativity and logical thinking despite its unassuming graphics.

This game invites its users to engage in a fascinating exercise of redefining rules. Imagine how satisfied it will be, that you will rearrange blocks and turn obstacles into pathways and change barriers into bridges. As you go deeper, the complexity of these linguistic puzzles grows and every level presents a new linguistic challenge. The increasing intricacy of puzzles keeps players on their toes and ensures that the joy of overcoming each linguistic conundrum is rewarding and addictive for the player.

2. The Eyes of Ara: Unravel Mysteries in a Stunning World

Price: $4.99

The Eyes of Ara

The Eyes of Ara transports its players to a visually stunning world full of secrets and clues that are waiting to be discovered. It has drawn inspiration from classic puzzle adventure games, for example, Myst. As you explore the 3D environment, you'll piece together the narrative through subtle hints and gather the story from the game world. This game is a must-play for fans of atmospheric puzzle-solving despite its occasional controls.

The captivating allure of The Eyes of Ara lies in its ability to immerse players in a meticulously crafted world. The sense of discovery deepens with every step you take, the encrypted messages as you decrypt them, unlock hidden chambers, and connect the dots of a rich narrative. The occasional wonky controls do little to deter from the enchanting ambiance of the game and promise that each twist and turn of this visual masterpiece will remain a delight.

3. Hitman GO: Tactical Assassination Puzzles

Price: $5.99

Hitman GO

Hitman GO takes the iconic assassin series into the puzzle genre. Plan your moves strategically to take out targets while avoiding suspicion in this turn-based game. Hitman GO provides a satisfying blend of strategy and stealth with its diorama-style graphics and various solutions for each puzzle.

Hitman GO seamlessly combines the allure of stealthy assassinations with the meticulous planning of puzzle-solving. Each move needs precision in its calculation as you anticipate the movements of NPCs and position yourself for the perfect silent takedown. The diorama-style graphics add a unique visual flair to the game and create an amazing environment that compiles puzzle elements with the essence of the Hitman franchise.

4. Linelight: Navigating Light and Shadows

Price: $1.99


Limelight is a minimalistic puzzle game that challenges its players navigates them through the levels and avoids colored lights. Limelight offers a range of challenges with over 200 puzzles while spanning six realms that need precise timing and movement. Limelight keeps you on your toes and engaged despite its seemingly relaxed gameplay.

The seemingly tranquil world of Limelight conceals intricate challenges that demand impeccable timing and precision. The interplay between light and shadows becomes your greatest ally and adversary as you start navigating through the mesmerizing landscape. With every level, the puzzles evolve and require you to anticipate the shifting patterns and master the art of swiftness and movement to win the increasingly demanding trials.

5. Linia Super: Rhythmic Puzzle Solving at Its Best

Price: Free / Up to $5.49

Linia Super

Linia Super continues the success of its predecessor by offering over 200 levels where players draw lines based on rhythm and timing. The puzzles become increasingly intricate when you hit different shapes. By ensuring a rewarding experience, the non-linear progression allows you to handle all chapters at your own pace.

Linia Super's rhythm-based gameplay offers a symphony of challenges that unfold as you delicately trace lines to match shapes and colors. Each stroke becomes a note in a mesmerizing melody of puzzle-solving. The non-linear progression of the game offers you the freedom to find its symphonic stages at your own tempo and promises that every crescendo of victory is accompanied by a sense of personal accomplishment.

6. Machinarium: A Classic Puzzle Adventure

Price: Free demo / $5.99


Machinarium presents a charming world where players guide Josef, a robot on a mission to rescue his girlfriend. With abstract puzzles, this classic puzzle adventure combines atmospheric graphics and provides a delightful experience. Replay value is added to this by timeless title achievements and cloud saves.

Step into the enchanting world of Machinarium, where you embark on a journey filled with heartwarming moments and brain-teasing puzzles. As Josef, the endearing robot protagonist, you'll traverse a beautifully crafted steampunk universe, interacting with quirky characters and deciphering enigmatic mechanisms. The abstract puzzles seamlessly blend into the narrative by creating an awesome experience that engages your intellect and your emotions.

7. Monument Valley 1 and 2: Escher-Inspired Artistry

Price: $3.99 + $1.99 / $4.99

Monument Valley 1 and 2

Monument Valley 1 and 2 captivate players with their MC Escher-inspired puzzle mechanics. Twist and turn the environment to progress through serene, visually striking levels. While the puzzles are not overly challenging, the art style and relaxing gameplay make Monument Valley a must-have for puzzle enthusiasts.

Immerse yourself in the enchanting realm of Monument Valley where architectural marvels mock the laws of physics. In order to guide your character through intricate landscapes, the MC Escher-inspired puzzles challenge your spatial perception and invites you to manipulate optical illusions. The serene art style and tranquil gameplay make an oasis of relaxation amidst the cerebral challenges which make Monument Valley an essential addition to any lover of puzzle games collection.

8.  One-Hand Clapping: Puzzle Solving Through Melody

Price: $9.99

One-Hand Clapping

By combining platformer gameplay with voice-based puzzle solving, One Hand Clapping introduces a novel concept. Use your voice to build bridges, raise platforms, and move from challenges, making a unique and enjoyable experience for the user. This game is a standout in the puzzle genre with its cutesy presentation and creative mechanics.

Imagine a world where your vocal cords will become the key for solving complex puzzles. In One Hand Clapping, your voice is transformed into a powerful tool, allowing you to shape the environment and overcome obstacles with a simple hum or melody. The harmonious fusion of platforming and vocal interaction offers a fresh and entertaining gameplay experience and also taps into your inner musician. This makes each moment of puzzle-solving, a symphony of delight.

9. Papers, Please: Simulation and Puzzle Blend

Price: $4.99

Papers, Please

Papers, Please merge simulation game elements and puzzle elements, casting players as immigration officers responsible for inspecting passports. While ensuring the safety of your family, scrutinize details and make difficult options. The engaging narrative and stress-inducing decisions of the game create an awesome experience.

In Papers, Please, you step into the shoes of an immigration officer tasked with making life-altering decisions at a border checkpoint. This combination of simulation and puzzle-solving provides results in the form of a morally intricate gameplay experience. As you sift through passports, cross-reference information, and decide the fate of individuals, the weight of your choices becomes palpable. The intertwining of gameplay and narrative paints a vivid picture of the challenges faced by those who walk the thin line between duty and compassion.

10. The Past Within: Time-Bending Cooperative Puzzles

Price: $2.99

The Past Within

The Past Within gives a cooperative multiplayer puzzle experience to its users where players of different ages collaborate to solve puzzles. This game delivers a refreshing twist on traditional puzzle-solving with the support of unique gameplay, cross-platform, and a short playtime (which is also entertaining).

Collaborative puzzle-solving takes an innovative turn in The Past Within. As players bridge the gap between different eras, the exchange of hints and solutions becomes a harmonious dance of intellect and coordination. This cross-platform challenges you and your companions to synchronize your thinking which ultimately create a symphony of puzzle-solving prowess that traverses time itself.

11. Quadline: Symmetrical Challenges for Puzzle Enthusiasts

Price: Free / $1.99


Quadline offers minimalist-style puzzles that revolve around the concept of achieving symmetry by editing the environment. The levels start simple and gradually increase in complexity, offering over 175 challenges. With its clean visuals and intuitive mechanics, Quadline is a great choice for puzzle aficionados.

Quadline takes puzzle-solving back to its most fundamental principles—symmetry and balance. Each level invites you to explore the art of equilibrium as you tactically rearrange elements to create harmonious patterns. The gradual escalation in complexity ensures that as you progress, the challenge deepens, and your mastery of symmetrical manipulation becomes a source of genuine satisfaction.

12. The Room Series: Intricate Puzzles and Atmospheric Design

Price: $0.99 / $1.99 / $3.99 / $4.99

The Room Series

The Room franchise has achieved iconic status in the puzzle game genre. With four titles, each offering escape room-style challenges, captivating graphics, and clever puzzle design, these games are a testament to the enduring appeal of high-quality puzzle experiences.

Enter The Room series—a universe where mysteries unfold within intricately designed spaces. With every title, you embark on an immersive journey filled with enigmatic contraptions, cryptic symbols, and mind-boggling puzzles. The franchise's success lies in its ability to transport players into escape room-style scenarios, encouraging meticulous examination and innovative problem-solving. As each puzzle unravels, the immersive atmosphere and artistic finesse envelop you, ensuring that The Room series remains a cornerstone of puzzle gaming.

13. Slayaway Camp: Free 2 Slay: Horror Meets Puzzle Solving

Price: Free / Up to $3.99

Slayaway Camp

Slayaway Camp: Free 2 Slay combines horror and puzzle-solving, as players take on the role of a slasher movie villain. The game's blocky graphics provide a unique take on violence, and with unlockable killers and a mini-game, the puzzling experience is both thrilling and entertaining.

Enter a horror realm like no other, where the gruesome meets the puzzling in Slayaway Camp: Free 2 Slay. Embrace your inner slasher villain as you navigate through a pixelated world, planning each terrifying move to ensure maximum scare factor. The blocky graphics juxtapose horror and humor, creating a distinct visual identity that captures the essence of the game. With the added allure of unlockable content and mini-games, the chilling thrill of puzzle-solving takes on a new, spine-tingling dimension.
If you want to read about horror games, click here.

14. Vodobanka: Tactical SWAT Puzzles

Price: Free / $0.99


Vodobanka offers a tactical puzzle experience as players control a SWAT team tasked with rescuing hostages. The game's rooms-and-tactics approach challenges players to strategize and breach structures efficiently. With recent updates and a free version featuring ample content, Vodobanka is a hidden gem in the puzzle genre.

Vodobanka offers a tactical puzzle experience as players control a SWAT team tasked with rescuing hostages. The game's rooms-and-tactics approach challenges players to strategize and breach structures efficiently. With recent updates and a free version featuring ample content, Vodobanka is a hidden gem in the puzzle genre.

Step into the shoes of a SWAT commander in Vodobanka, where strategic prowess is your greatest asset. As you navigate through hostile environments, each decision becomes a test of your tactical acumen. From choosing the right entry point to coordinating movements, every move determines the success of your mission. The rooms-and-tactics approach adds a layer of complexity, urging you to think critically and respond swiftly. With updates that keep the gameplay fresh and a free version that doesn't compromise on content, Vodobanka unveils a world of high-stakes puzzle-solving that demands both wits and precision.

15. Zenge: Relaxing Geometric Puzzles with a Story

Price: $0.99


Zenge offers a serene puzzle experience where players complete geometric puzzles to reveal a captivating narrative. With no timers or distractions, Zenge's minimalistic gameplay is perfect for unwinding while still engaging your mind.

Embrace the tranquil beauty of Zenge—a haven of relaxation where geometric puzzles intertwine with a mesmerizing narrative. As you delicately manipulate shapes to unlock fragments of the story, you're transported to a realm where time slows down, and each puzzle piece becomes a portal to tranquility. Free from the pressures of timers and scores, Zenge allows you to immerse yourself in the joy of solving without haste, ensuring that the journey is as rewarding as the destination.

In a world where the boundaries between reality and imagination blur, puzzle games reign supreme, inviting us to challenge our intellect, creativity, and problem-solving skills. The 15 puzzle games for Android highlighted in this article are a testament to the genre's evolution, showcasing the diverse range of experiences that await within a single tap. Whether you're drawn to linguistic manipulation, atmospheric exploration, strategic decision-making, or geometric meditation, these games offer a captivating journey that transcends mere entertainment.


The Android puzzle game landscape has evolved from simple mechanics to intricate experiences that challenge our minds and creativity. These 15 best puzzle games offer a diverse range of gameplay styles, from programming-based manipulation to rhythmic drawing and cooperative time-bending puzzles. With their captivating visuals and engaging mechanics, these games ensure that puzzle enthusiasts have no shortage of brain-teasing entertainment on their Android devices. Whether you're a fan of atmospheric narratives, creative mechanics, or simply love solving puzzles, this list has something for everyone. As you embark on your journey through these captivating puzzle games, you'll find yourself immersed in unique worlds, challenged by mind-bending puzzles, and entertained by the creativity and innovation that each game brings to the table.

Remember, the world of mobile gaming is constantly evolving, and new puzzle champions are emerging all the time. Whether you're a seasoned puzzle aficionado or a newcomer to the genre, these 15 puzzle games for Android are sure to provide you with hours of brain-teasing fun. So, go ahead and dive into the world of mind-bending challenges, creative mechanics, and captivating narratives—all in the palm of your hand. Get ready to test your skills, exercise your imagination, and embark on a journey of puzzle-solving excitement that will keep you coming back for more. Happy puzzling!

Note: Please note that these games are not listed according to any priority but the numbering assigned to them is random.

If I missed any of the best puzzle games for Android, please comment below so that I can add that to the list.


1. What is the most popular Android game right now?

The most popular Android game right now can vary, as trends change quickly in the gaming world. Games like Among Us, Genshin Impact, and Minecraft have been popular recently, but it's always a good idea to check the current top charts on the Google Play Store for the latest trends.

2. Are phone puzzle games good for your brain?

Yes, phone puzzle games can be good for your brain. They often require critical thinking, problem-solving, and strategy, which can help improve cognitive skills and keep your mind sharp.

3. Are puzzle games actually good for you?

Yes, puzzle games can be good for you. They provide mental stimulation, promote problem-solving abilities, and can even help reduce stress. Plus, they're a fun way to pass the time!

4. What is the hardest puzzle game browser?

The hardest puzzle game in a browser can vary depending on personal preferences and skill levels. Games like The Witness and Baba Is You are known for their challenging puzzles, but what's hardest for one person may not be the same for another.

5. Do brain games increase IQ?

Brain games can help improve specific cognitive skills, but they may not necessarily increase your overall IQ. They can, however, enhance memory, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking skills.

6. Are puzzles good for IQ?

Yes, puzzles are generally good for your IQ as they encourage logical thinking and problem-solving, which are essential components of intelligence. Regularly engaging in puzzles can help sharpen your mind and improve your IQ over time.

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